Eko boerderij De Leurhoeve
Wim en Hermien Boeijink & Wilco Postmus
Our organic dairy farm (Skal certified since 1997) consists of 50 Jersey cows and associated young cattle. The Jersey cows were chosen because of its fine character and efficient feed utilization. In addition, this variety produces milk with a high fat and protein content. Our Jersey ladies can graze outside from the beginning of April to the end of November. In the winter they are warm in the stable.
In order to be able to provide the cows with food, we fertilize our land with manure from our own animals, and then mow and silage the grass. The use of homeopathic remedies has made antibiotics superfluous. This means that we are USDA organic certified. The roof of the barn is equipped with solar panels, which means that 75% of the company operates on its own energy and we contribute to a sustainable and healthy society.
Here you will find more information.
Address :
Goorweg 49
7104 GE Winterswijk-Meddo NL