Eko boerderij Reintjes
Giel and Anke Reintjes
We like to work here on our farm, which is in close contact with society. We find that very important because we live and work so close to the center.
There is always something going on! For example, we milk our cows here and take care of a group of children up to 4 years. In addition, older people are also welcome here for daytime activities. All these different branches make our farm a living whole that we enjoy every day.
We operate our organic dairy farm in the meadows of the Niers. We have red and black colored cows that graze wonderfully on the meadow during the summer days. In winter they are fed with grass and corn, which we harvest ourselves and from which they make delicious milk. In addition to our beautiful cows, we have other animals on the farm, such as sheep, goats, chickens, rabbits, horses and not to mention our dogs. You are welcome to visit our farm!
More information can be found here
Address :
Looiseweg 1
6595 PA Ottersum NL